Monday, 11 May 2015

Father shot dead his wife daughter and sister confessed crime on Facebook

A Canadian man who took the life of his beloved daughter because she has suffered severe migraine and could no longer do the things she once loved to do.

He shot his wife afterwards, cos he believes no mother is meant to hear of her child death and his oen sister too because he felt ashame.

The longtime friend of a Canadian man who apparently confessed to shooting dead his daughter, wife and sister in a disturbing Facebook status said he didn't believe the post was real - until he saw that it was signed with the father's nickname.

Brian Jones said he thought he was going to throw up when he saw that the message from pal, Randy Janzen was signed Daddio - his 'signature nickname'.

After reading the status, Jones and a friend rushed to check on Janzen's sister at her home in Langley, B.C.

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